Practical Brand Identity Tips

When it comes to growing a successful business, one of the most important aspects is creating an effective brand identity. A strong brand identity is essential for gaining credibility, attracting customers, and establishing yourself in the marketplace. Here, we offer practical tips to help you create a memorable and recognizable brand identity.

1. What is a Brand Identity?

A Brand Identity is a way of communicating who you are to your customers and prospects. It is the visual representation of your business and consists of several key elements:

  • Logo
  • Color Palette
  • Fonts & Typography
  • Voice & Messaging

These elements come together to create a unified look and feel that conveys the core values of your business and sets you apart from the competition. Your brand identity should be reflected in all of your marketing materials, from your website to your social media pages. Strong branding builds recognition and trust with customers, so it’s important to create a consistent brand identity in order to connect more deeply with them. With a cohesive brand identity, your company can create a lasting impression in the market.

2. Why Brand Identity Matters in Business

Having a consistent brand identity for your business is essential for effective communication. It helps customers to associate a certain look and feel with your company. A strong brand identity can greatly impact consumer behaviour and make a positive impression of your company.

  • Creates Trust – Customers are more likely to trust businesses which maintain a strong brand identity. It helps them to become more familiar and comfortable with your services and products.
  • Making an Impression – Building a strong brand identity gives customers an idea of the products and services you offer, and the overall value you provide. Saying it in a few words or symbols will help you stand out from the competition and make a positive impression on customers.
  • Providing Focus – A strong brand identity will give focus to your company’s mission and goals. It will also keep your employees and partners focused on the end goal which is providing the best quality services and products to your customers.

Having a strong and memorable brand identity is key to keeping customers engaged with your business. It also helps to unite partners and employees, which makes your company more successful in the long run.

3. Establish Core Brand Values

Listen to Your Audience: Understanding the wants and needs of your target audience is the key to formulating successful and effective brand values. Start by carrying out research to gain a deeper insight into who you are targeting and what they are looking for. Ask yourself questions about the core needs of your audience and what experiences and feelings you want to create for them. Additionally, use customer surveys, feedback forms and social media to witness the conversations and behaviours of your audience.

Brainstorm and Narrow Down: Once you have gathered enough information from your participants,it’s time to begin the brainstorm session. To start, make a list of ideas on how your brand values can differentiate you from the competition and attract customers. Avoid making it too long and focus on selecting the values that best communicate your brand and will resonate most with your audience. Unnumbered lists can also be helpful when creating your list of values and to prioritize the ones that best reflect your brand’s mission.

4. Develop a Unique Logo and Visual Identity

Having a unique logo and visual identity is significant for a company’s branding. It enables customers to recognize the company easily and in turn helps the business gain more brand visibility and recognition. To help with creating the logo, clients should provide a brief description on what statements they wish to express, overall design concepts, the intended market, and any other important elements such as if the logo should be animated or static.

After the initial elements are outlined, clients can work on the logo design process:

  • Design Brainstorming: For this step, the graphic designer may provide several sketches with various concepts to the client. The concepts should communicate what the client desires and guide the design process.
  • Logo Design Suggestions: After the clients have gone over the initial designs, they can offer a design they like more and any specific changes they’d like to make.
  • Refine and Create Final Logo: The designer can refine the logo to add more details and create a unique visual identity and logo. They can also create several color variations that suit the company needs.

5. Be Consistent Across Platforms

Consistency is key when it comes to branding your business across multiple platforms. Your customers should be able to recognize your company’s logo, colors, and brand voice with equal ease on Instagram, Twitter, or your website. It helps to create a feeling of trust and familiarity which will make customers more likely to engage.

  • Ensure your colors remain consistent across platforms. If you have logo colors, use those same colors on all platforms.
  • Maintain a consistent brand voice – whether formal, casual, professional, etc.
  • Where possible, ensure logos, images and design templates are formatted consistently.

By keeping colors, logos, and brand personality consistent across multiple platforms, customers will have an easier time recognizing and engaging with your brand. Additionally, it will make your business appear more professional and will help increase brand trust.

6. Engage With Your Audience

Provide Value: Ensure that your content is always helpful, informative, and valuable to your audience. Offer helpful advice and provide solutions to help them meet their needs and wants. Additionally, offer incentives to ensure that they continuously come back for must-have information.

Initiate Conversation: Take the initiative to start conversations with your audience. Ask them questions related to the content you’re posting and take the time to respond to their answers. If a viewer offers a helpful tip, show your appreciation by thanking them.

  • Include hashtags in your post to help initiate conversation.
  • Address the questions your followers are asking.
  • Show your gratitude when someone shares your post.

7. Utilize Color Psychology

Color psychology is the study of how color affects our behavior, mood, and emotions. Utilizing color psychology in design can create powerful visuals that resonate with viewers and evoke strong reactions.

Using the right colors can be a great way to draw attention and engage viewers. For example, red is often used to evoke a sense of passion and energy, blue is used to create a more calming atmosphere, and green is often associated with growth and freshness. Other colors like orange and purple can be used to evoke feelings of creativity and vibrance. By understanding the meaning behind different colors, you can create visuals that evoke desired emotions in viewers.

  • Choose colors that fit into (or contrast) the existing color palette
  • Consider the feelings and emotions each color might evoke
  • Make sure the colors are balanced and visually appealing

8. Leverage User Generated Content

User Generated Content (UGC) is a powerful tool for your business to engage consumers and customers. It allows you to showcase real life experiences and stories that are unique, organic and help increase customer loyalty and trust. There are several ways you can leverage UGC and gain the most benefit:

    • Share from Existing Sources: Identifying existing UGC from customer posts and reviews can help you understand customer sentiment and preferences. Using these posts for marketing activities can be a great way to reach new customers, illustrate customer loyalty and showcase customer experiences.


    • Ask for User-Created Content: Inviting people to submit reviews and stories about your brand can be immensely beneficial. This helps generate trust, build customer loyalty and encourages customers to remain engaged with your brand.


  • Re-use User Generated Content: Using UGC collected from other sources, such as competitors or industry influencers, can give your content more visibility and credibility. Doing this helps to drive traffic and create awareness around your brand.


UGC can be an effective way to drive customer engagement and increase brand awareness. Not only does it help showcase user experiences and stories, but it also helps build trust, loyalty and credibility.

9. Track and Adapt to Market Trends

Staying on top of the latest industry trends is an essential part of succeeding in the market. Understanding what customers want and tailoring your products or services to meet their needs will help you stay ahead of the competition.

Here are some tips on how to track and adapt to changing trends:

  • Assess Your Market: Analyze the market dynamics and identify where the trends are heading. Understand what products and services customers are currently purchasing.
  • Monitor Competitors: Keep an eye on the strategies of your competitors. Pay attention to how they are pivoting their products and services.
  • Survey Customers: Use customer surveys to understand their current needs and what they want in the future. Ask open-ended questions to solicit honest feedback.
  • Stay Informed: Read up on the latest news and developments within the industry. Follow industry influencers or attend relevant events to stay up to date.

Once you have identified a potential trend, it is essential to take advantage of it by adjusting your services, products, or marketing strategies to take advantage of the trend. Doing so will help ensure that you stay ahead of your competitors and remain relevant in the market.

10. Utilize the Right Marketing Channels

Marketing is an essential part of business success and knowing which channels are most effective for the message you want to share with the broadest audience is key. Being effective in the right channels can result in a successful campaign and an improved overall ROI for a business.

When it comes to choosing the right channels, there are several key elements to consider:

  • Audience Reach & Targeting: Research your target audiences and then identify what channels they frequent, such as social media, TV, radio, print and digital channels.
  • Engagement Level & Frequency: Determine how active and engaged users are in that particular channel and if it suits your business needs.
  • Costs: Analyze the costs associated with running a marketing campaign on the specific channel you intend to use.
  • Usability: Ensure that the channel you choose can be actively used by your target audience easily.

Researching these elements will help you to get a better understanding of the best channels to use for your marketing campaign. Allocating your marketing budget effectively and to the right channels should ultimately help to increase your visibility and make your business successful. Overall, it’s clear that developing a strong, likable brand identity is a big undertaking. It requires a lot of research and consideration, but the rewards are well worth the effort. By following the tips outlined above, you’ll be a lot closer to conceptualizing a memorable brand that attracts and retains customers—and expresses your values as an organization.